
Silogismo. 2015
Instalación. Tres papeles con texto marcado con hierro candente, cada uno 250 x 151 cm, y escultura de hierro y madera de 50 x 90 x 90 cm.
La frase de la izquierda es una cita de "El Arte de la Guerra", de Sun Tzu; la frase central es una cita de "De la Guerra", de Karl von Clausewitz; la tercera frase es la conclusión del artista.

Silogismo. [Sylogism]. 2015
Installation. Three papers with text marked with red-hot branding iron, each 250 x 151 cm, and a steel and wood sculpture, 50 x 90 x 90 cm.
The phrase on the left is a quote from Sun Tzu's "Art of War"; the phrase on the center is a quote from "On War" by Karl von Clausewitz; third phrase is the artist's conclusion.
all the art of war is based on deception
war is the continuation of politics by other means
all politics is based on deception





