
Certeza. 2015
Escultura. Hormigón armado con texto en relieve (citas de Sun Tzu). Dos elementos, cada uno 34 x 120 x 240 cm.
La certeza de conservar lo que defiendes es defender un punto que el enemigo no ataca
La certeza de tomar lo que atacas es atacar un punto que el enemigo no defiende

Certeza [Certainty]. 2015
Sculpture. Reinforced concrete with text in relief (quotes by Sun Tzu). Two elements, each 34 x 120 x 240 cm.                                                                                                                                                      
Translation of texts:                                                                                                                                                                                 
The certainty of taking the place that you are attacking is to attack a place that the enemy is not defending                                                                                                                                                                    
The certainty of keeping the place that you are defending is to defend a place that the enemy is not attacking



