Moje stulecie [My Century]. 2022

Installation at Laznia Center for Contemporary Art, Gdansk, Poland.
Forty four letters cut-out on plywood, painted in a performance. Approx. 44 m long.
Statement by German Painter Max Liebermann “I cannot swallow as much as I want to vomit” (1933) translated to Polish. The work connects the phrase’s antifascist message with the reference to writer Gunther Grass, who was born in Danzig, today Gdansk, and is a cultural symbol to this city, and its book My Century, where he refers Liebermann statement and its history.
As being presented in Laznia CCA, the project integrates to an antifascist initiative that contest the ultra-right-wing central government of Poland.

During the action, the cut-out letters were used as templates to paint as a performance on a canvass that covered the wall. Each letter was painted over the other, until the pictorial surface was composed by 44 overlapped paint layers.

As a result of the action, the 44 panels that make up the installation and the painting that concentrates the phrase were obtained.




Moments of the action where letters are painted.


The painting resulting from the action, with 44 44 overlapped paint layers.